I often get asked the question about my logo as it is a little bit of a mash-up of some of my artworks together as one. The Art of Reality logo and name is actually so much more than just a logo.
The first A in the logo is a rock that comes from my artwork Morphic Light, the “o” is from a painting called Beginnings, the “r” has the cracked ground that is in my artwork Interlight, and the “I” has the eye from the hidden connection. It was a fun project, creating words out of my artwork and fitting them together like a puzzle.
The name “Art of Reality” came to me when I was thinking about how people talk about reality as if it’s a fixed thing that we have to face. Art and creativity seem like something separate to our everyday world – it’s not seen as our reality. The blending of those two concepts, reality and creativity, in the name “Art of Reality” tries to communicate how we can actually be creative with reality, and suggests maybe the reality we are experiencing right now is a result of what we have created in the past.
For me art is a powerful focusing tool – so by focusing on a painting that I’m creating, and spending a lot of time and energy on it, I start to see the shapes and concepts that I’m painting in the world around me. This means that I could use creativity as a way to manifest and create my own reality.
In my experience, you don’t even have to be painting the artwork yourself to get this benefit of manifestation happening. Even when someone is choosing a painting, without having painted it themselves, they can choose paintings that make them feel happy, or give them a good feeling, and that can have a positive effect in their reality. So choosing the right art is really important!
There are many artists out there who focus their paintings on opulence and wealth and it’s a common thing to see artists that paint these concepts actually gaining the wealth that they paint. It doesn’t always work like that though, for those people who look on these paintings with sadness or jealousy because they don’t have that wealth, it can actually have quite a different effect.
What demonstrates this all, even more, is the way my paintings are starting to transform and fill my reality. We are currently in the process of creating a sculpture of Interlight, with plans to build sculptures that relate to all of my paintings. These sculptures aim to challenge how people understand reality, using electromagnetic energy, wavelength filters and sensors to make the observer part of the artwork.
Ultimately, we would love to create a fully interactive exhibit, reiterating the concepts explored in my paintings and adding to that some extra works that will all have the same outcome, we want to send message to the viewer that they have control over their own reality and insight into how it works.