Spirituality and physics or often thought of as being incompatible however there are many parallels. In physics, the universe is described as having its origins in what is called the Big Bang. According to physics at the moment of the Big Bang, there was a point in space without dimensions where all the energy required to create the universe was contained. In this state, there are no particles, matter, separation, or relativity all was one infinitesimal point called a singularity. It then exploded from this singularity and into a universe made of particles and planets. An analogy to the idea of a singularity in spirituality is the idea of the Absolute. The absolute is a state of oneness where there is nothing else, it can’t be measured and therefore it is free from relativity. It is a state that transcends a reality-based in duality such as inside/outside, up/down. In spirituality, there is an understanding that we arose from this absolute state of oneness and that on an individual level we will eventually return back to it. Returning back to this state consciously is often called Enlightenment, Cosmic or Christ consciousness and is seen as a natural progression of human consciousness.
In spirituality there is a natural progression of consciousness to the absolute from a reality-based in duality however is there also a natural flow back to the absolute state in Physics from a world of duality?
One way to understand the way that the world of duality in Physics can return to the absolute state is to introduce the idea of balance. Even though the universe as a whole may be in balance when we view a certain part of the universe it may appear to be in a state of local imbalance with its environment. Take for example a bubble which is a great visual indicator of the natural tendency of the universe to seek balance and neutralise duality. If there is a balance of forces on the bubble it forms a sphere. A sphere is the only shape in perfect balance with all points on its surface equidistant from its centre. In this state, the inside and outside forces on all surfaces are balanced therefore neutralise each other. In this state of balance, it stays stationary. However, if an imbalance occurs it deforms from its spherical shape and moves away from that region until it finds balance again and the spherical shape is restored. Traditionally in physics, this is described in terms of external forces exerting on the bubble and pushing it away without paying attention to the natural tendency of the universe to seek balance as being the underlying lesson to be learned. This natural tendency of the universe towards balance and therefore neutralising duality is an example of the flow back to the absolute state. It can be seen throughout the laws of physics. If you are interested in finding more examples of this in Physics click on the bottom of this post.
You might be thinking if there is this natural flow of the universe from a state of duality and local imbalance back to the absolute then why hasn’t it already reached that state and why did it go into a state of duality and relativity in the first place? The counter piece to this natural flow is consciousness. Consciousness has the ability and freedom to create a world of duality and local imbalance. It has the ability to think a thought and radiate energy outwards that needs to be received to return to balance. Or to create a hot air balloon that’s pressure is out of balance with its environment and therefore creates lift as it seeks an environment to balance the inside and outside pressure. The ability of consciousness to create local imbalance and make use of the natural flow of the universe back to a state of balance is behind technology and the pragmatic use of science.
From a broader perspective we see not only the frequencies of energy that fall within our senses but the full spectrum, therefore blurring the lines of where our bodies end and the rest of the universe begins. With this, the duality of inside and outside dissolves. Even with awareness and experience of this broader perspective we can still appreciate and enjoy our individual perspective and the opportunity for new experiences and creation it brings.