One of my favourite oil painters in the field of Visionary Art is the late great Robert Venosa. Robert passed away in 2011. His art combined outstanding skill and creativity exploring the unseen reality.
Here are a few words from Robert:
“Creativity is our major connection to the universe. When you’re a creative being you have a direct conduit to all possibilities of the universe, the energies of the universe. As long as you create, you become sort of like a co-creator with the great creator. The minute that we become part of a creative act and open ourselves to the possibilities of other existences, others might be inspired by us. They’re either going to resonate with it and recognize it as something that’s possible, or they’ll take it as foolish illusions of the artist.”
“When I paint, I’m not concerned with what’s going to come out. The most that I could hope for my art is that it inspires people, and if it does, it’s going way beyond my expectations. It’s a tremendous reward.”
More information about Robert Venosa and his art can be found at http://www.venosa.com/home.html