Newton’s third law states “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”, the Law of attraction states “that which is like unto itself is drawn” and the Law of Karma states “what we give out we get in return”.
All three point to a simple but fundamental law that is common to both the laws of physics and the human experience of reality. It relates to a natural tendency of the universe towards balance.
This tendency towards balance is evident in countless ways, such as when a bubble forms a sphere in the presence of balanced energies (a sphere being the only shape in perfect balance). When an imbalance occurs such as a gust of wind, it will deform and move to a region where it can find energetic balance again, and the spherical shape is restored. The same is true of planets. Planets have formed spherical shapes over long periods due to the balancing of energies around their centres. Rotation, orbits and precessions are also used to create energetic balance.
It can be seen at the atomic level where the emission and absorption spectra of atoms balance each other out. In other words, atoms can only receive frequencies of energy that match what they emit. Also in atoms, the numbers of positive and negative particles are balanced. If they aren’t then they are attracted to other oppositely charged atoms (ions) in order to restore balance.
The same is true of our physical bodies which are a conglomerate of atoms. The human body radiates an energy field of specific frequencies that signals what it is with the rest of the universe, and determines what environments it gravitates towards (and brings towards it) in order to create balance.
On the flip side consciousness has the ability to create a temporary imbalance and experience or utilise the natural flow back towards balance. This is at the basis of much of the pragmatic uses of science or technology. When we look around at the natural world we see evidence of imbalance and movement towards balance even without the intervention of human consciousness. With this in mind, it makes sense that consciousness is not confined to humans and expresses itself through all levels of reality from atoms to rocks, trees, planets, galaxies and the universe at large.
As humans, we have the ability to choose to think about something in the present moment that feels good to us, or that feels bad to us. If we think thoughts that feel good to us, we radiate subtle electromagnetic energy into the universe of a particular frequency, and as a result of energetic balancing, we will move into an environment that matches these frequencies (or bring matching things to us) to create balance.
With this understanding, we can see how our own consciousness and thoughts form a window through which we perceive and experience reality. Evidence and knowing can be gained by experimenting with the energies (thoughts) we are personally radiating and seeing what comes into our experience. If for example, we were to hold a belief (or habitual thought pattern) that personal reality is not shaped by the energy we radiate, then we will not be receptive to the evidence of this and will experience circumstances and events supporting our position. Even though we may not be receptive, it does not mean that it stops working, it still operates under the surface organising our experience of reality.